Montpelier Rec. Center Gym, 55 Barre St. [map]
Please respect the player limit. 2 indoor courts/ 6 players per court (12 players max.) Sign out if you can't make it. Bring your own paddle. The center does not open until 9am.

Availability list

Patricia L Dell M Beth S Susan H Cathy H Mary C [2] August B
Suzanne W Linda P Peggy H Trevor Sharon B Gail C jean h
Gail L Bonnie K Dalyn Rolf Kathryn E Gary G Dan B Ira S Carol T Mary C Steve W Steve H Dale L Susan W Priscilla W Rob A rita Lin B Dave M Jessica F Chrystal C Usman I john b Jacinthe P Rich D Tom L Kathie H Sandy T Kim K Fletcher D Lori S Ron S Susan S Chris J Ilene S Jenna C Tim M Scudder P Win C Susan R Julie T Joyce F Cynthia M Elliot B Madelyn H Gretchen S Bob G Donna R Helen N Ellen S Pam P Perry H Susan R [2] Sue K Fran M Janet F Neal M Matt A Mary A Robin R Amy G Alden J David S andrew n Nancy E Aleksei G Kim A Jim T Norma S Norma S [2] Tom P Jen H Laura B Joanne H Mary C [3] Suzanne L Josette B John M Vicky M Bob B Sara T Casey N Mike S Janet S Pam B Sally M Traven L Jeff F Jeremiah S Tots John H Sue M Frank O Linda K Tisa R Patty B Jim G Pat D Jenn G K C Chris T Maria D Kathy J Dominique G Aaron C Linda C Kat M Missy E Abby T Lindsay W Janet C Kathy Y Shari Y Michael B Patty T Courtney O Chelsea J Charles E Mary R Celine B John F Katie H Linda M cara b Sisabelle Carol L Cameron O Matt A [2] Barry A David K Conover Melissa T Nancy N Bill K Shawn D Dan T Carol P Dorothy A Katherine W Sue V Susan A Georgia Gideon S Janet S [2] Jo R mike h Stephen H Jo R [2] Ray B Kevin C Talbot P Jeff Ruth G Rachel P Ellen D Karen A Jas S Pam P [2] Elaine A Marlene P Karin T Jane G Josh L Suzi S Sandy T [2] Valerie S Jane H Cathy G Lori W Bill W Joanie S Peg M Mark F Carol S Sarah H Meg R toddrubiano Charles F Patrick H Vini S Paul R Josh B Marjorie R Caroline B George B anne s kathleen j Julie K Pam Alex H Bernie N Maureen cynthia d Meg D Jim W Mike S [2] Larry C Larry C [2] Larry C [3] Michelle J Julie F Sue Mich Jeff (2) Sidney C Carina L Kathryn D Geoff H Jez H RandyF Kyler Chuck H Laura S Bill P Pat H Larry C [4] Simone W Michael M Meliss b Emily W Sue C Tom M Ben D Harold C Joe G Maya R Lassie B Cate w Marvin Haidi A

Comment ...


Sorry...pulled my hamstring again. Need to let it heal before I play again.

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