Montpelier Rec. Center Gym, 55 Barre St. [map]
Please respect the player limit. 2 indoor courts/ 6 players per court (12 players max.) Sign out if you can't make it. Bring your own paddle. The center does not open until 9am.

Availability list

Bill P Jen H Tom P Chrystal C David S Missy E Linda M Janet S [2] Neal M Suzanne L
Steve H Josh L Kyler Laura S Chris T Mike S Fletcher D Laura B Win C Rolf rita Amy G Fran M Sandy T
Gail L Bonnie K Dalyn Kathryn E Gary G Dan B Ira S Carol T Mary C Steve W Dale L Susan W Priscilla W Rob A Lin B Dave M Jessica F Usman I john b Patricia L Mary C [2] Jacinthe P Rich D Tom L Kathie H Sharon B Kim K Lori S Ron S Susan S Chris J Ilene S Jenna C Tim M Scudder P Susan R Julie T Joyce F Cynthia M Elliot B Madelyn H Gretchen S Bob G Donna R Helen N Ellen S Pam P Perry H Susan R [2] Sue K Janet F Peggy H Matt A Mary A Robin R Alden J andrew n Nancy E Aleksei G Kim A Jim T Norma S Norma S [2] Joanne H Mary C [3] Josette B John M Vicky M Bob B August B Sara T Casey N Janet S Pam B Sally M Traven L Jeff F Jeremiah S Tots John H Sue M Frank O Linda K Tisa R Gail C Patty B Jim G Pat D Jenn G K C Maria D Kathy J Dominique G Aaron C Linda C Kat M Abby T Lindsay W Janet C Kathy Y Shari Y Michael B Patty T Courtney O Chelsea J Charles E Mary R Susan H Celine B John F Katie H cara b Sisabelle Carol L Cameron O Dell M jean h Matt A [2] Barry A David K Conover Melissa T Nancy N Bill K Shawn D Dan T Carol P Dorothy A Katherine W Sue V Susan A Georgia Gideon S Jo R mike h Stephen H Jo R [2] Ray B Kevin C Talbot P Jeff Ruth G Rachel P Ellen D Karen A Jas S Pam P [2] Elaine A Marlene P Karin T Linda P Jane G Suzi S Sandy T [2] Valerie S Suzanne W Jane H Cathy G Lori W Bill W Trevor Joanie S Peg M Mark F Cathy H Carol S Sarah H Meg R toddrubiano Charles F Patrick H Vini S Paul R Josh B Marjorie R Caroline B George B anne s kathleen j Julie K Pam Alex H Bernie N Maureen cynthia d Meg D Jim W Mike S [2] Larry C Larry C [2] Larry C [3] Michelle J Julie F Beth S Sue Mich Jeff (2) Sidney C Carina L Kathryn D Geoff H Jez H RandyF Chuck H Pat H Larry C [4] Simone W Michael M Meliss b Emily W Sue C Tom M Ben D Harold C Joe G Maya R Lassie B Cate w Marvin Haidi A

Comment ...


I see 21 people listed as playing. Is this happening outside? Kyler and I would love to join!


This is inside at the Rec Center on Barre Street. Only 2 indoor courts and max number is 12.


21 might be a record! Laura, Folks do often sign up even if oversubscribed in hopes some will drop out, and perhaps some extras hopped on as an insurance policy if it appears others might play outside. But most I recall is 16, so hopefully folks will self limit and accept the 12 max number. Hopefully games will transition to Elm street at rec field outside where there are four courts…


Got it! Thanks for clarifying, Andrew.


Hi all, to help respect the player limit of 12 for the Rec Center - Laura and I will be playing Outdoors at the Waterbury courts at this time if anyone would like to join. You can find the event in the Waterbury PB team group. Cheers!

Visiting players can sign up using a link


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